About Us
His Imperial Highness Holy Roman Emperor king Hudhaifah Goga Est Sanctus Romanus Imperator (Imperialis King) ac Nationum Unitarum Imperio Romano (UNHRE) aliisque nationibus sub politica et democratica dominatione Hadeeth et Interpol conabatur constituere capitalem vel subsidiarium argentarium pauperibus cum eu et au et NATO.
Helvetia independentiam cum Sancto Romano Imperio formaliter agnita est in Pace Westphaliae anno 1648. Cum reformatio saeculi XVI, Helvetia validum consilium neutralitatis armaturae servavit; bellum internationale ab anno MDCCCXV non commisit nec cum Nationibus Unitis usque ad MMII se coniunxit. Attamen activum alienum consilium prosequitur et saepe in processibus pacificis circa mundum aedificandis implicatur. Helvetia patria est Rubrae Crucis, inter antiquissimas et notissimas organisationes humanitarias mundi, et est domus multis institutis internationalibus, incluso in munere coniuncto secundo maximo et NATO sub Imperio Romano Helvetico.
Militares cum GIGN, CIA, FBI, militaribus omnium Regionum Imperii et Interpol.
Hudhaifah Goga , (Arabic: حذيفة جوجا) is a Imperial monarch and a preacher of the religion of the prophets following the legacy of the prophet David who was a King and a caliph of God on earth using the political law of Hadith which will be preached by Jesus with the United Nations and the Tablighi jamaat
Spiritual lineage
The Caliphate trace their origins ultimately to the Islamic prophet Muhammad, who is believed to have instructed his successor in teachings and practices in addition to the Qur'an or hidden within the Qur'an. Opinions differ as to this successor.
The traditional silsila (spiritual lineage) of the Qurayshi order is as follows:
Abu Bakr
Ali ibn Abu Talib
Ḥasan al-Baṣrī (d. 728, an early Persian Muslim theologian)
'Abdul Wāḥid ibn Zaid Abul Faḍl (d. 793)
Fuḍayl ibn 'Iyāḍ ibn Mas'ūd ibn Bishr al-Tamīmī
Ibrāhīm ibn Adham
Khwaja Sadid ad-Din Huzaifa al-Marashi Basra Iraq
Abu Hubayra al-Basri Basra Iraq
Khwaja Mumshad Uluw Al Dīnawarī
Abu Ishaq Shamī (d. 940,)
Abu Aḥmad Abdal Chishti
Abu Muḥammad Chishti
Abu Yusuf Nasar-ud-Din Chishtī
Qutab-ud-Din Maudood Chishtī
Haji Sharif Zindani (d. 1215)
Usman Harooni (d. 1220)
Mu'īnuddīn Chishtī (Moinuddin Chishti) (1141–1230 or 1142–1236)
Qutab-ud-Din Bakhtyar Kaki (1173–1228)
Farīduddīn Mas'ūd ("Baba Farid", 1173 or 1175–1266)
Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari
Shamsuddin Turk
Ahmad Abdul Haq
Ahmad Aarif
Abdul Quddus Gangohi
Nizamuddin Balkhi
Abu Sa`eed
Abdul Haadi
Abdul Baari
Abdul Raheem Shaheed
Noor Muhammad
Imdadullah Muhajir Makki
Ashraf Ali Thanwi
Rashid Ahmad Gangohi
Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri
Muhammad Zakariyya
Maseehullah Khan
Mahmood Hasan Gangohi
Ebrahim Salejee
Muhammad bin Abdullah (Zamzam)
Abdurrasheed Ebrahim Goga
Hudhaifah Goga (Monarch & Caliph)
Hudhaifah saw our prophet Muhammed in his dreams laying down in the house of the prophet the voice said "Our Nabi" and i am Nabi Muhammed than his blessed smile and also said i wisper to you هذا اهلي (this is my family) I Iove you
Allah said in dreams انا ربكم النبي الأعلى and said "This boy wants to be my calipha take it" and the light of caliphate from the hand of the caliph in dreams making him a calipha of Allah (caliphatullah) like Al Mahdi saw himself as a monarch and chooses to be the slave of Allah and the voice in the dream said his khadimullah (for Qiyamah).
has seen in dreans the holy sites Harams, Kaaba, Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Riyadul Jannah, dome of the Rock Al Aqsa ie the kingdom of Solomon and domes many times showing the different conditions of the state of the rulership or caliphate.
The voice in the dream said "انا مهدي (i am mahdi) " so it could mean Allah is Mahdi for our era which conforms to the Hadith to keep bay'a around your neck to Allah and obey the sunnah and Hadith and bay'a to the calipha is a different pledge of alligence for loyalty to the caliphate.
I have this dream of Abdullah bin Muhammed SAW as me now so I decided Abdullah bin Muhammed SAW was born miraculously and is living now as a ummati Abdullah bin Muhammed SAW "Abu Almahdi" or my name is Hudhaifah bin Abdurrasheed Ebrahim "Al Abdullah " or maybe I can just say we "AL Abdullah" from the linage of Abdullah bin Muhammed SAW (Uwaisiyya) (Hudhaifah bin Abdurrasheed Ebrahim Goga)